Posted in HH4A

Carb loading vs. fat burning: What works best?

Posted by Kara Gilbert on 10 September 2024
Carb loading vs. fat burning: What works best?
Endurance athletes, from marathon runners to triathletes, face the crucial decision of how to fuel their bodies for optimal performance. Carbohydrate loading has long been a favoured strategy among endurance athletes to enhance performance by maximising glycogen stores before a race or competition. However, despite its popularity, the practice has sparked significant controversy in recent years. Fat burning, or fat-adaptation, is a strategy gaining traction among endurance athletes. By train...
Posted in:Sports nutritionHeart Health for AthletesHH4A  

The shocking truth: Are pro cyclists hiding dangerous heart rhythms?

Posted by Kara Gilbert on 30 August 2024
The shocking truth: Are pro cyclists hiding dangerous heart rhythms?
In the world of competitive cycling, athletes push their bodies to the limits, often sacrificing personal health for the sake of victory. It is not uncommon for the intense pressure to perform, fear of disqualification and the stigma associated with medical conditions to drive athletes to hide their symptoms. The concealment of heart arrhythmias, where the heart beats irregularly, either too fast or slow, is rumoured to occur in professional cycling pelotons where athletes might fear the rep...
Posted in:CyclingHeart Health for AthletesHH4A  

How to avoid costly anti-doping mistakes: Essential tips for athletes

Posted by Kara Gilbert on 27 August 2024
How to avoid costly anti-doping mistakes: Essential tips for athletes
Steps athletes can take to prevent an unintentional breach of anti-doping policy HH4A Resource: Infographic Whether you are an elite or competitive age-group athlete, it is important for you and your teams to be familiar with sport integrity matters. This free resource provides a useful tool for raising awareness of anti-doping policy and how to avoid pitfalls. You are welcome to download and share with your athletes.   ...
Posted in:Drugs in sportHeart Health for AthletesHH4A  

Age-group athletes: Could you be the next to face a surprise drug test?

Posted by Kara Gilbert on 24 August 2024
Age-group athletes: Could you be the next to face a surprise drug test?
Should we bury our heads in the sand and pretend that no one cheats? You might not be an elite athlete, but you probably count yourself as a fairly competitive age-grouper. In fact, there are increasingly more competitive opportunities for athletes in the masters’ (>35 years) cohort across almost every sport in Australia, with major events including the Australian, Pan-Pacific and World Masters Games. Not surprisingly, the world governing bodies in a number of sporting codes now ta...
Posted in:Medications and the athleteDrugs in sportMost PopularHeart Health for AthletesHH4A  

Unlock your peak performance: How zinc and magnesium supercharge sports recovery

Posted by Kara Gilbert on 2 August 2024
Unlock your peak performance: How zinc and magnesium supercharge sports recovery
Zinc and magnesium play crucial roles in supporting athletic performance and overall health. Athletes, in particular, often have higher nutrient needs due to increased physical demands. Understanding the benefits of these two minerals can help you optimise your performance and recovery strategies. Importance of zinc for athletes Zinc is involved in numerous physiological processes that are vital for you as an athlete, particularly in the following domains. Immune function: Intense trainin...
Posted in:Sports nutritionHeart Health for AthletesHH4A  
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